Sunday, August 30, 2009
Twitter = Story of Your Life, well, pretty much :p
i are caen yooz lolspeak gudness nao. mai fwenz yooz it ulso, so avrythin'z graet! :D
eneywaiss, lo pasti tau twitter kan? sekarang gue mainnya twitter terus, facebook tuh udah juaraaaaang banget gw buka! hmm, mungkin karena twitter tuh lebih simple kali ya, 'cuma' meng-update status kita lagi ngapain, dimana, sama siapa, jadi si pacar ga usah nelponin mulu (kriuks -_-).
karena gw baru bangun, pas gw buka twitter, banyak tweet yang belom kebaca dan akhirnya gw baca sekaligus (gw jarang nge-skip tweet orang2, semuanya gw baca, kecuali kalo gw lagi sibuk bgt, hehe). dan gw ngerasa, habis baca tweet orang2, kalo twitter tuh bisa dibilang kayak cerita, yaa, walaupun ga sedetail diary sih, tapi di twitter tuh hampir tertuliskan kebanyakan kegiatan2, pikiran2 kita di waktu yang udah lalu. oiya, pernyataan gue ini khusus buat orang yang update twitter-nya daily ya :D
gw barusan baca2 tweets gw lagi. karena gw update twitter sehari bisa banyak banget, gw baru baca sampe beberapa hari kemaren doang. padahal pengennya sih baca sampe hari pertama gw nge-tweet, 20 april 2009, hehe. gw baca2 lagi soalnya gw pengen liat lagi, kayak apa sih story of my life selama ini? apa aja pikiran2 gw selama ini yang gw published? karena terkadang twitter jadi ajang ngobrol juga, disitu juga banyak 'conversation'2 gw sama temen2, yang terkadang kalo dibaca lagi sekarang bisa jadi menarik. sembari gw nulis ini, gw akan baca tweets gw lagi ah :D
hmm, coba gw post beberapa tweet gw disini.
@robyfarizki hiahahaha hmm 2-1 deh hahaaa
1:03 AM Aug 27th from UberTwitter in reply to robyfarizki
itu tweet gw waktu roby nanya kira2 ntar MU-Arsenal berapa2. ternyata bener loh 2-1 hahaha!
i don't like being anak kos in ramadhan
5:30 PM Aug 25th from web
hmm ini gw tweet menjelang buka puasa. anak kos pas lagi bulan puasa tuh sengsara deh. yaa, bukan sengsara dalam arti ga bisa makan sih, masih banyak orang2 yang sama sekali ga punya makanan di bulan puasa. maksudnya sengsara kesepian, huhu. biasanya kita sahur, buka puasa, bareng keluarga. rasanya kangen aja, kalo gw sih terutama pas waktu2 menjelang buka, rasanya itu gw pengeeeeen bgt ada di rumah, di depan tv nungguin azan, terus buka puasa rame2 yang pasti diawali dengan minum teh manis anget.
The truth is, I miss Hendro. There, I said it.
9:41 PM Aug 21st from UberTwitter
well, tweet ini sebenernya merupakan tweet yang cukup berani, berhubung gw udah lama putus dan hendro-nya sendiri udah punya cewe. tapi, hendro ga ada di twitter so... :p
ya ampun! lama beneeer dah nyampe ke tweets yang lama2. ini aja masih bulan agustus -_-
ya udahlah ya, yang gw maksud disini tuh bisa dibilang twitter mencakup pemikiran2 kita yang kalo kita baca lagi bisa jadi menarik. tweets yang gw post disini belom mewakili 'story of my life' menurut gw, karena ini baru beberapa hari yang lalu. yang gw pengen liat tuh paling ga sebulan yang lalu, ada apa di pikiran gw sebulan yang lalu? 2 bulan yang lalu?
tapi ternyata cuup susah buat balik lagi ke page tweets gue yang lama -_-
sampai sini dulu perjumpaan kita, yea i know postingan kali ini emang ga penting. next time gw bakal nge-post informasi2 yang menurut gw menarik ;)
Friday, August 28, 2009
SPEAK LOLSPEAK: iz lolspeak tiem!!!
kalo lo berpikir: "-___- ni si mila apaan sih", gw akan bercerita sedikit tentang lolcats! yoo can chek it awt on:
jadiii, lolcats tuh situs dimana lo bisa nemuin foto2, yang kebanyakan adalah kucing, dengan teks2 komentar yang kocak2, yaaa jayus juga sih (-_-'), tapi bagi gw sih menghibur! kadang2 gw nemuin yang kocak banget! haha :D
pertama gw liat, teks2nya dan komen2 dari pengunjungnya kok mispelled bgt? ternyata, itu namanya LOLSPEAK. hehe baru tau gitu gw. lolspeak itu kaya bahasa jayus2an gitu deeh, hahaha. pasti lo -___- lagi kan?? hahahaha!! and i wuz tsinking to mahzelv: "hmmm retarded juga yah ni, mau aah" gitu, hahahahha -____- lagi.
zaw, huw to speek LOLSPEAK? led'z lurn peepul! :D
Step one: Think of something to say.
This is tricky for some people. We’ll try a simple, common comment to start:“That’s a really cute cat. And look, he has a bow on his head!”
Step two: “Engrish” it.
1) Mis-decline verbs, especially misuse the verb “to be”
2) Misuse gerunds
3) Overuse prepositional phrases
4) Blatant rearrangement of syntax
5) Incorrect plurals and past-tense verbs
6) “noun” your adjectives. (For instance, the adjective “blue” can become the noun “blueness”)
7) Improper pronouns
8 ) Drop the articles (”a”, “and”, “the”) in favor of adding “-age” to the end of a noun
9) Use “younger” words (”kitty” versus “cat”, “fuzzy” versus “furry”, etc.)
10) Use the word “with” inappropriately.
11) If you really can’t wrap your head around the concepts behind “Engrish”, try this: Go to, type your desired comment in, hit “english-to-Japanese”, then re-translate back to English. You have to be able to view special characters (the kanji). If you can’t get that to work, try translating to a different, european-text language, like German.
So, we get: “That being the kitty very full of cuteness. And to be with looking! Him gots bowage on hims head!”
Step three: Misspell everything.
There’s no wrong way to do this, just try not to accidentally correctly spell a completely different word (especially one that’s pronounced differently than your spelling intends). Some words (usually short words) should simply remain spelled correctly for continuity’s sake.
1) Think like a little kid / cat / dog / goldfish, and get hukd on foniks
2) I cannot stress this enough: Vowels are your friends! Do not neglect vowels!! We’re speaking LolKitteh here, not text messaging! (My advice: use alternate vowels, Y’s are particularly handy, but don’t overuse them.)
3) Extra W’s and H’s (”awl” instead of “all”)
4) Z’s instead of S’s are easy
5) Double-letters versus single letters are always fun
6) Don’t be afraid to further pluralize things, including your verbs
7) Remember that the word “THE” must always be spelled “TEH”
now, we have: “Dat beesing teh kiti vary ful ov kutenis. An to bees lukingz! Hims gotz bowwagez on hims hed!!”
Step four: Add exclamations and extra words.
1) Use commonly accepted internet abbreviations. Misspell them if necessary. (LOL = lawlz! ROTFL = rofflz! OMG = omgwtfbbq!?! … etc … )
2) Imagine that you’re actually in a crowd of people and you want everyone to look at this particular picture. Extra exclamations are thus necessary.
3) Think Valley Girl. The words “like,” “totally,” etc can be added. Remember to misspell!
4) Some common statements have been severely abbreviated into one single multi-syllabic word. These are good to use. The best example is “Okay, thank you, good-bye!” Which has been shortened to “kthxbye” (or “kthxbai”)
And, we have: “OMG wau!! Dat beesing a kiti vary ful ov tewtul kutenis!! Bees wif da lukingz! Omg him gotz da bowwagez on himz hed lyk WTF?!?”
Step five: Add additional information.
This can be the desire to interact with the subject of the photo, personal information, empathetic or sympathetic statements, responses to other posts, etc. Again, nothing right or wrong here, just whatever comes to mind.
Finally:“OMG wau!! Dat beesings a kiti vary ful ov tewtul kutenis!! Bees wif da lukingz!! Omg him gotz da bowwagez on himz hed lyk WTF?!? OMG I tewtul wuntz to grabz dat kiti and fuzziez himz awl ovar … him sooooooo mooshy an fullz ov win!! Don werry lil kiti, I no eetz u! I luvz kitiz! I can has bunchiz ov dem! Mah kitiz luvz bowwagez too! YETH!! GIMME!! Kthxbai!”
Remember that all of the above steps are basic guidelines for conversational lol-cat. Some regions do not always rearrange syntax. This a treasure for you. With some practice, you too can be writing (and speaking) in Conversational LolKitteh!
hahaha emang jayus sih, tapi kok gw tertarik yaa.. hehehe... oiya, lolspeak juga make kata2 slang internet, tapi gw kurang tau juga ya apaan aja tuh bahasa slang internet, hehehe..
hmm, mungkin kalo di indonesia, bahasa kaya gini tuh, bahasa alay kali ya, y9 g4uLLz B9t gThuu DeyycHH... hahahahaha. tapi gw suka2 aja ah lolspeak, jadinya jayus kalo di lolcats. jangan lupa cekidot (<--- bahasa kaskus) ya!
haha gw baru nyadar kalo kaskus juga punya bahasa sendiri. contohnya ya itu, check it out = cekidot, photoshop = sotosop, maintanance = maintenis (-___- i know), de el el. hahahahha. internet iz zaw muj VUN!!!
i gaz diz iz it fur nao, ziya latah! ;)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
"i don't need sex, school of architecture fucks me all the time"
gw ikut suatu grup di facebook, yang gw denger dari temen gw, nama grupnya : "i don't need sex-school of architecture fucks me all the time"
and the description of this group was freakin' true. i'll copy it here, just so you know ;)
If you are architecture students you've probably experienced:
-the taste of wood glue
-changes in your vocabulary: homework to project, ball to sphere, etc
-you don't understand how somebody can spend less than $20 at the supplies store
-you hate people telling you "go to sleep" or "do you still have a lot of work?"
-your friends and you don't have the same concept of work "oh, well do it right before class"
-you've slept more than 20 straight hours on weekends
-you can easily discuss with authority the effects of caffeine on different drinks
-no matter the effort you put in a project, somebody will always say “why don’t you add this? or “why don’t you change this here? or “i think that…but…yeah, its ok?"
-you’ve heard all your ipod songs in a week
-you aren’t seen in public without bags under your eyes-whenever you get invited somewhere, it is followed by “or do you have a lot of homework??
-you’ll dance ymca with a choreography without a drop of alcohol in your system
-you write down a quick message with rapidographs, lead holders, markers and ink
-you constantly make up excuses for courses that are not design related why you didn’t do your work
-you have more pictures of landscapes and places than of people
-your worst nightmare consists of not finishing a project-someone once called you “lazy? and you wanted them murdered
-you can live without human contact, sunlight, food, but if your plotter’s ink runs out… chaos!!!
-when somebody lends you a Bic pen you look down at it-you don’t care about sports cars, your favorite car is the one where you can put in your model and your huge computer
-you design spectacular things without the idea of the cost
-you have the modern mark: a blister in your palm’s hand for the constant use of your mouse
-everybody tells you how they admire your work, “but there is no money for it?
-you’ve gained the ability to sleep in whatever surface: pencils, keyboards, backpacks, your studio mates, food, etc
-you always have the idea that your project will always be recognized
-when you finally have free time to go out you keep thinking “who was the idiot that designed the restaurant’s bathroom?? “who designed this menu?? or “who designed this [chair, table, lighting, fork, etc]?
-you've been at many sunrises, yet you've never seen one
-you need to read all this in a facebook group to realize how weird your life is
hahahaha ini bener banget loh! terutama beberapa poin, kayak: you've been at many sunrises, yet you've never seen one. haha bagi kita justru sunrise tuh kaya gong kematian. lagi ngerjain maket ngantuk2 tiba2 terdengar azan subuh, "aaarrgghhh udah subuuuuuh!!!" :p
yea we've been at many sunrises, ironisnya kita malah ga bisa nikmatin itu. haha, malah panik sendiri.
terus, you've heard all of your ipod songs in a week. naaah, ini juga bener nih. bagi kita, ipod, or other music player, bener2 teman setia yg selalu nempel di kuping! haha.
pokoknya, pas gw baca description grup ini gw lgsg join, hahaha. walaupun ga penting juga sih buat apaan. just for fun :D
there's another joke about architect, i'll copy it.
top 10 reasons why to date an architect
1. all night long, all night strong.
2. we are damn good with our hands.
3. if we can commit to chipboard, relationships should be easy.
4. you should see the things we errect.
5. use to doing things over and over again.
6. finishing early never happenes.
7. we know the true meaning of interpretation.
8. creative positioning.
9. work well in groups.
10. entry and passage are always exciting.
hahahahaha. well, i'll try to enjoy my life as an architecture student. wish me luck. ;)
greeting. kabar gw selama ini baik2 aja, nothing special. ohiya, gw pindahan kamar dari kamar 116 di basement -_- ke 320. menurut gw sih enakan di atas, hehe. terus, sekarang gw udah semester 3, spa 3 (spa=studio perancangan arsitektur). ngomong2 soal spa, ehem, semestinya sekarang gw lg ada di studio, tapii... hehe... bukan bolos juga sih, tadi gw kesiangan, habis saur tidur lagi. terus jadinya udah males deh ke studio, ehehe.. duh! gw ga seharusnya cengengesan kaya anak idiot! huhuhu gw udah niat mau serius semester ini! aaaarrgh! ga ga, ini gw serius kok, gw di kos juga mikirin konsep, zoning, denah, and the bla and the bla. yak. gw serius. ini gw nge-blog karna udah lama aja ga nulis.
ngomong2 soal nulis, gw jadi keinget obsesi lama gw, jadi penulis. haha -_-. sempet terkubur begitu aja pas sma, sekarang mulai terpercik kobaran api lagi. gw pengen ngehasilin duit sendiri. impian mahasiswa banget deh, haha. tapi sepertinya i've lost my touch on writing thing. buktinya gw nulis blog sehari2 aja masih bingung mesti nulis apaan. gw mau ngelatih lagi ah. ngelatih writing skill gw kaya di the sims. hahahaha. duh. mudah2an aja konsisten -_-
apa lagi ya yang perlu di catch up dari ketidakhadiran gw di blog ini? hmmm, quick review aja deh ya, sekarang gw di kamar 320, udah semester 3, a blackberry user, tambah gendut, masih single. done.